Is A Social Anxiety App Right For You?

People use apps to make their lives simpler in millions of ways, so why don't people trust them with their mental health? Youper is the number one social anxiety app on iTunes and Google Play.
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Dr Hamilton

Apps are everywhere these days, and do almost all you need to live a more organized life, but are you trusting them enough? Isn't it time you started relying on them for with more than organizing your calendar, tracking your bike ride, or reminding you to buy a birthday present for mom?

Youper is the number one social anxiety app and provides a suite of tools to support your journey to overcoming social anxiety. It also supports you with other mental health issues, like anxiety, depression, and stress.

Still not sure if an app can handle your mental health? Find the answers to your doubts and discover how Youper can help you.

What Does A Social Anxiety App Do?

Using many of the same techniques as a therapist, Youper supports you with four main tools.

First, track your mood to clarify how you are feeling, then build on that by identifying situations that are influencing your mood. Track the changes in mood that you experience after interacting with Youper’s intelligent chatbot therapist.

Youper’s chatbot therapist will guide you through a conversation that is modeled after real interactions with a human therapist. It uses cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), among others, to help you analyze and take a new look at your thoughts. Research shows that CBT is very effective in treating Social Anxiety.

Mindfulness is another research-backed method for treating a range of mental health issues. Youper's mindfulness sessions are available anytime you’d like to wind down. However, the chatbot therapist will recommend them when it notices you may need a moment for your mind.

Consolidating your health data in one place helps you gain important insights about changes in mood and the influences sparking your feelings. These summarized reports make it easy to visually capture and understand the shifts and changes you experience in daily life.

Mood tracking, a chatbot therapist, mindfulness, and health data reports aren't the end of the line. You'll find more to offer in the app.

Why Do We Need A Social Anxiety App?

With 18M people in the United States alone in need of mental health treatment, getting the right treatment has a number of roadblocks. This leaves many without the support to overcome their mental health issues. There is a giant need for digital solutions, like a social anxiety app.

Stigma is by far the biggest barrier. The division in acceptance of physical health and mental health is still drastic. Many people aren’t willing to admit they have mental health issues out of fear of others labeling them as crazy. Do you know anyone who is willing to admit it without receiving support or treatment first? Not likely, and stigma is why.

Cost also prevents people from seeing a therapist or doctor. Prices ranging from $75 to over $200 an hour are not feasible for many. We imagine that health insurance helps, but many therapists don’t accept insurance due to outdated payment structures that insurance companies use. When prices aren't the issue, time likely is. Finding an available hour between you and your therapist isn't all that easy.

Also, as we are talking about social anxiety—a group which isn't comfortable initiating or engaging in social interactions. This limits their willingness to even consider therapy a possible solution.

An app makes taking the first steps much more private and stigma-free. With monthly subscriptions starting at a little over ten dollars, Youper is a more affordable and accessible support channel. Research has shown that people can feel more willing to open up when a human isn't part of the interaction. A social anxiety app is perfect for eliminating the human from the interaction and providing effective support.

The #1 Social Anxiety App

The state of mental health care in the US demands new solutions to provide the support that people will otherwise go without. The statistics alone are enough reason to pour more effort into creating new options for people that need them.

Research on treatment effectiveness gives creators the information they need to build solutions that offer long-lasting results. This means effectiveness stays high while increasing access. A social anxiety app delivers tools that empower people to become actively involved in their treatment.

Increasing access to mental health support through smartphones ensures people get the support they need. Solutions like Youper land in the hands of people who may otherwise go without. Also, it offers users a level of privacy they may need when he or she starts exploring treatment.

Still wondering if an app can offer effective support or have another question? Send us an email at

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